As a Christian, I spend a lot of time with God (though not enough) asking Him “…teach me thy paths. Lead me in thy truth,..” and there are days I stumble, I do falter. In my walk with the Lord, I have stumbled many times, yet my Lord always remembers and He lifts me up and re-steadies me in my walk.
When we stumble, the natural thought is, “I will get up and get going.” I have tried that many times, and I have found it just doesn’t work. Our “getting up” begins with prayer [asking, begging, pleading] submitting to God through His Son Jesus. If it starts with “me, myself and I,” we can use that old aerospace saying, “Houston , we have a problem.”
The problem is again “me, myself and I,” and it is my boasting that I will do the Lord’s work. We are informing Him, we can do it ourselves. Currently, I am under going physical therapy for shoulder surgery. If I told my Physician or Mrs. Barnett, “I really know better than you, I will do this on my own,” I would never be able to use my arm to the extent it could be without their help. It works the same way with God. I must rely on His teaching, His leading, or I will never be able to approach the potential God has given. Where are you in your potential with God? Do you need “Reviving Again?”
This week we are having a Revival at Fundamental Baptist Church . Why not come to these evening services and bring a willing heart, a heart which wants Reviving.
If you have never called upon Jesus as your personal Saviour, come and hear the Gospel of Christ, giving you the necessary teaching to allow you to accept Jesus as your Saviour. Come and hear God’s Word.
Bro John R. E Chastain
This is an article intended for publication in the
Wellington Leader 3/11/2010 under "...from The Pulpit"